
From 1994, and for the next nine years, I wrote the “Landmarks” leaflet series (published by The Story Source) presenting the message of papal encyclicals and other church documents in plain language for grassroots audiences.

35 Landmarks titles will soon be available here.


1."Truth & the Truth-Seeker." Veritatis Splendor

Theme: morality

2. "The Gospel of Life." Evangelium Vitae

Theme: the sanctity of human life

3. "That All may Be One." Ut Unum Sint

Theme: church unity; ecumenism

4. "Gifted, Called, Sent." Christifideles Laici

Vocation of the lay faithful

5. "Family: An Adventure in Love" 

Familiaris Consortio.

6. "Countdown! The Church Prepare for the Great Jubilee." Tertio Millennio Adveniente

7. "New Things, 100 Years Later." Centesimus Annus

Theme: Church's social teaching, then and now

8. "We Cannot but Speak." Redemptoris Missio

Theme: Mission

9. "At the Foot of the Cross." Salvifici Doloris

Theme: Finding meaning in human suffering

10. "One Family, Many Faces" 

Pastoral addresses of John Paul II to indigenous peoples.

11. "Of Love and Life"   Humanae Vitae

Theme: the holiness of sex in marriage.

12. "Spirit, Come." Dominum et Vivificantem

Theme: the Holy Spirit in the Church and the world.

13. "Called by the Spirit." Vocations Message of John Paul II

14. "To the Ends of the Earth." Evangelii Nuntiandi

Theme: Evangelization

15: "Sunday, the Soul of our Week." Dies Domini

Theme: observing Sunday as a holy day

16. "Faith and Reason." Fides et Ratio 17. "Sharing our Country." Australian Catholic Bishops: Aboriginal Reconciliation 18. "Light of the Nations." Vatican II. Lumen Gentium
19. "Interfaith Dialogue." Vatican II: Nostra Aetate

20. "And the Word became Flesh." Redemptoris Hominis

Theme: Jesus, redeemer of humankind

21. "Footsteps on the Journey of Faith." 

Pontifical Council: Migrants & Itinerant Peoples: Pilgrimage 

22. "Mary: The First Disciple." Redemptoris Mater

23. "Theology of the Body."

Pope John Paul II's reflections on human sexuality

24. "The Mercy of God." Dives in Misericordia

25. "Into the Deep." Novo Millennio Ineunte

Theme: pastoral priorities for a new millennium

26. "The Dignity of Women." Mulieris Dignitatem

27. "For the Sake of the Human Family." Sollicitudo Rei Socialis

Theme: Justice & peace

28. "All in a Day's Work." Laborem Exercens 

Theme: human work

29. "The Church in Oceania." Ecclesia in Oceania

30. "Peace, Justice, Forgiveness." 

John Paul II: World Day of Peace, 2002

31. "The Church and Racism." 

Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

32. "The Rhythm of Life." The Rosary 33. "Towards Healing." Australian Catholic Bishops

34. "The Eucharist in the life of the Church." 

Ecclesia de Eucharistia

35. "Joy and Hope" 

Vatican II: The Church in the Modern World