The Madonna Collection

From 1998 to 2013 I was a regular columnist for Madonna spirituality magazine (

A selection of past Madonna articles are listed here under headings which indicate the topic of each article.

Addressing gender stereotypes Easter at home Neighborhood witness
Adoption. A journey to Easter. Easter lunch New year. Welcoming change
Advent reflection. Making memories Eucharist through a child’s eyes Ordination of a young man
Advent wreath Farewell in death Parent as teacher
A faith-filled parishioner God speaks to us Parents are teachers of reconciliation
A godmother’s story Gospel choices Perseverance in faith
A loving school teacher Grief at Christmas time Pizza and gospel values
A praying parish Healing after abortion Prayer
All Saints Healing the human heart Prayers of the aged
Baptism of the Lord Holy Land. Jesus as Jew Prison ministry
Beautiful questions Home is a holy place  Reconciliation
Belonging as Catholics Hope after war Single life
Blessing as prayer Humility Small things that make us more human
Body of Christ John Paul II and youth Spiritual growth. Musical imagery
Care for elderly parent L’Arche St Therese of Lisieux
Chewing on scripture Lenten housekeeping Study as gift
Christians learn from Judaism Life as journey. Pilgrimage Tactile faith
Christmas season reflection Lifestyle choices The impact of a handshake
Christmas traditions Love, life, laughter Transfiguration moments
Clericalism Magic moments Unity. May they be one
Coming home. Prodigal son Marriage Valentine’s Day
Courage Mary, Eucharist Volunteers. Lay apostolate
Dancing, disability, freedom Maturity and mission Witness in the workplace
Death and resurrection Men, male gifts Youth with a mission
Divorce Mother’s Day Youthful leadership
Savoring Scripture Noah's Ark  
Holy Land. Jesus as Jew